Saturday, August 31, 2019


Some of them were top heavy structure, lot of dimensions in the organization etc. Jim sole cleared all these issues very intelligently. He started a team building process and the task and targets Of the company were made clear to everybody. According to Jim, he wanted the person who is able to take decisions and manage the people. Though Jim himself was in favor of selecting from his lot of people, but for the new venture in network printing, he thought that a person, who has some prior experience in the similar fields like VARY and network printing, would be more suitable.The key was to get the right brain t right place and matching personal goals with the job requirements that will make better chances of success. According to Sole, a person with positive attitude, intellectual curiosity, variety of experience, flexible, comfortable in handling situations, looking for fresh challenge was required. A person who can oversee the tail end of the development process and making sure that the product is the one what the customer needed. Also the person should be seasoned and who can leverage the resources Bitterest has developed.Options available as suitable candidate: The first candidate for the job IS William Wendell. He has the right kind of experience that is required, both in VARY and printing industry but not much of it. As per the remarks from Peter, he is â€Å"very political† and â€Å"very focused on own career†Ã¢â‚¬Ëœ. According to me the later characteristic matches with the requirement as the success of the project, as this will sync with his own career advancement. The first remark is somewhat disturbing as for Bitterest a person who is a team leader and group worker is required.This will not disturb the team already there at Bitterest. The second option is Fred Fallow. According to me he is young and dynamic, but the experience is not that much for the job. He has variety of experience also. According to Peter remark, he is work hard and play hard kind of person. At times these types of persons are good but in certain situation they have casual approach that can lead to big problems. The third option is Chris Cowan. He has a lot of experience but according to me he is too old for this new project.At this level of experience, stubbornness comes in the attitude that will harm the new project as well as the teams developed by Jim. Even Peter remarks also tell that he is sometimes abrasive and headstrong. The last option is Mitchell Madison. Similar to Chris he has also tons of experience and in fact he is working as UP for the last 12 years or so. He can also develop similar attitude as Chris. As the remarks of Peter say that he is already getting almost $30000 more than what Bitterest is planning to offer.Preferred choice: According me the best suited candidate for the above post is William Wendell. He is young and having suitable work experience in both VARY and printing industry. Also he is career cautious that will add up for the success of the project. This is a developing field and he will surely want to do the best in this field. Though the danger is from his political side, but I think it may get tramline when he will join bitterest, where the culture is of team work. Apart from this he has all criteria matching with what desires.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Bag of Bones CHAPTER TWO

I never suffered from writer's block during the ten years of my marriage, and did not suffer it immediately after Johanna's death. I was in fact so unfamiliar with the condition that it had pretty well set in before I knew anything out of the ordinary was going on. I think this was because in my heart I believed that such conditions only affected ‘literary† types of the sort who are discussed, deconstructed, and sometimes dismissed in the New York Review of Books. My writing career and my marriage covered almost exactly the same span. I finished the first draft of my first novel, Being Two, not long after Jo and I became officially engaged (I popped an opal ring on the third finger of her left hand, a hundred and ten bucks at Day's Jewellers, and quite a bit more than I could afford at the time . . . but Johanna seemed utterly thrilled with it), and I finished my last novel, All the Way from the Top, about a month after she was declared dead. This was the one about the psychotic killer with the love of high places. It was published in the fall of 1995. I have published other novels since then a paradox I can explain but I don't think there'll be a Michael Noonan novel on any list in the foreseeable future. I know what writer's block is now, all right. I know more about it than I ever wanted to. When I hesitantly showed Jo the first draft of Being Two, she read it in one evening, curled up in her favorite chair, wearing nothing but panties and a tee-shirt with the Maine black bear on the front, drinking glass after glass of iced tea. I went out to the garage (we were renting a house in Bangor with another couple on as shaky financial ground as we were. . and no, Jo and I weren't quite married at that point, although as far as I know, that opal ring never left her finger) and puttered aimlessly, feeling like a guy in a New Yorker cartoon one of those about funny fellows in the delivery waiting room. As I remember, I fucked up a so-simple-a-child-can-do-it birdhouse kit and almost cut off the index finger of my left hand. Every twenty minutes or so I'd go back inside and peek at Jo. If she noticed, she gave no sign. I took that as hopeful. I was sitting on the back stoop, looking up at the stars and smoking, when she came out, sat down beside me, and put her hand on the back of my neck. ‘Well?' I said. ‘It's good,' she said. ‘Now why don't you come inside and do me?' And before I could answer, the panties she had been wearing dropped in my lap in a little whisper of nylon. Afterward, lying in bed and eating oranges (a vice we later outgrew), I asked her: ‘Good as in publishable?' ‘Well,' she said, ‘I don't know anything about the glamorous world of publishing, but I've been reading for pleasure all my life Curious George was my first love, if you want to know ‘ ‘I don't.' She leaned over and popped an orange segment into my mouth, her breast warm and provocative against my arm. ‘ and I read this with great pleasure. My prediction is that your career as a reporter for the Derry News is never going to survive its rookie stage. I think I'm going to be a novelist's wife.' Her words thrilled me actually brought goosebumps out on my arms. No, she didn't know anything about the glamorous world of publishing, but if she believed, I believed . . . and belief turned out to be the right course. I got an agent through my old creative-writing teacher (who read my novel and damned it with faint praise, seeing its commercial qualities as a kind of heresy, I think), and the agent sold Being Two to Random House, the first publisher to see it. Jo was right about my career as a reporter, as well. I spent four months covering flower shows, drag races, and bean suppers at about a hundred a week before my first check from Random House came in $27,000, after the agent's commission had been deducted. I wasn't in the newsroom long enough to get even that first minor bump in salary, but they had a going-away party for me just the same. At Jack's Pub, this was, now that I think of it. There was a banner hung over the tables in the back room which said GOOD LUCK MIKE WRITE ON! Later, when we got home, Johanna said that if envy was acid, there would have been nothing left of me but my belt-buckle and three teeth. Later, in bed with the lights out the last orange eaten and the last cigarette shared I said, ‘No one's ever going to confuse it with Look Homeward, Angel, are they?' My book, I meant. She knew it, just as she knew I had been fairly depressed by my old creative-writing teacher's response to Two. ‘You aren't going to pull a lot of frustrated-artist crap on me, are you?' she asked, getting up on one elbow. ‘If you are, I wish you'd tell me now, so I can pick up one of those do-it-yourself divorce kits first thing in the morning.' I was amused, but also a little hurt. ‘Did you see that first press release from Random House?' I knew she had. ‘They're just about calling me V. C. Andrews with a prick, for God's sake.' ‘Well,' she said, lightly grabbing the object in question, ‘you do have a prick. As far as what they're calling you . . . Mike, when I was in third grade, Patty Banning used to call me a booger-hooker. But I wasn't.' ‘Perception is everything.' ‘Bullshit.' She was still holding my dick and now gave it a formidable squeeze that hurt a little and felt absolutely wonderful at the same time. That crazy old trouser mouse never really cared what it got in those days, as long as there was a lot of it. ‘Happiness is everything. Are you happy when you write, Mike?' ‘Sure.' It was what she knew, anyway. ‘And does your conscience bother you when you write?' ‘When I write, there's nothing I'd rather do except this,' I said, and rolled on top of her. ‘Oh dear,' she said in that prissy little voice that always cracked me up. ‘There's a penis between us.' And as we made love, I realized a wonderful thing or two: that she had meant it when she said she really liked my book (hell, I'd known she liked it just from the way she sat in the wing chair reading it, with a lock of hair falling over her brow and her bare legs tucked beneath her), and that I didn't need to be ashamed of what I had written . . . not in her eyes, at least. And one other wonderful thing: her perception, joined with my own to make the true binocular vision nothing but marriage allows, was the only perception that mattered. Thank God she was a Maugham fan. I was V. C. Andrews with a prick for ten years . . . fourteen, if you add in the post-Johanna years. The first five were with Random; then my agent got a huge offer from Putnam and I jumped. You've seen my name on a lot of bestseller lists . . . if, that is, your Sunday paper carries a list that goes up to fifteen instead of just listing the top ten. I was never a Clancy, Ludlum, or Grisham, but I moved a fair number of hardcovers (V. C. Andrews never did, Harold Oblowski, my agent, told me once; the lady was pretty much a paperback phenomenon) and once got as high as number five on the Times list . . . that was with my second book, The Red-Shirt Man. Ironically, one of the books that kept me from going higher was Steel Machine, by Thad Beaumont (writing as George Stark). The Beaumonts had a summer place in Castle Rock back in those days, not even fifty miles south of our place on Dark Score Lake. Thad's dead now. Suicide. I don't know if it had anything to do with writer's block or not. I stood just outside the magic circle of the mega-bestsellers, but I never minded that. We owned two homes by the time I was thirty-one: the lovely old Edwardian in Derry and, in western Maine, a lakeside log home almost big enough to be called a lodge that was Sara Laughs, so called by the locals for nearly a century. And we owned both places free and clear at a time of life when many couples consider themselves lucky just to have fought their way to mortgage approval on a starter home. We were healthy, faithful, and with our fun-bones still fully attached. I wasn't Thomas Wolfe (not even Tom Wolfe or Tobias Wolff), but I was being paid to do what I loved, and there's no gig on earth better than that; it's like a license to steal. I was what midlist fiction used to be in the forties: critically ignored, genre-oriented (in my case the genre was Lovely Young Woman on Her Own Meets Fascinating Stranger), but well compensated and with the kind of shabby acceptance accorded to state-sanctioned whorehouses in Nevada, the feeling seeming to be that some outlet for the baser instincts should be provided and someone had to do That Sort of Thing. I did That Sort of Thing enthusiastically (and sometimes with Jo's enthusiastic connivance, if I came to a particularly problematic plot crossroads), and at some point around the time of George Bush's election, our accountant told us we were millionaires. We weren't rich enough to own a jet (Grisham) or a pro football team (Clancy), but by the standards of Derry, Maine, we were quite rolling in it. We made love thousands of times, saw thousands of movies, read thousands of books (Jo storing hers under her side of the bed at the end of the day, more often than not). And perhaps the greatest blessing was that we never knew how short the time was. More than once I wondered if breaking the ritual is what led to the writer's block. In the daytime, I could dismiss this as supernatural twaddle but at night that was harder to do. At night your thoughts have an unpleasant way of slipping their collars and running free. And if you've spent most of your adult life making fictions, I'm sure those collars are even looser and the dogs less eager to wear them. Was it Shaw or Oscar Wilde who said a writer was a man who had taught his mind to misbehave? And is it really so far-fetched to think that breaking the ritual might have played a part in my sudden and unexpected (unexpected by me, at least) silence? When you make your daily bread in the land of make-believe, the line between what is and what seems to be is much finer. Painters sometimes refuse to paint without wearing a certain hat, and baseball players who are hitting well won't change their socks. The ritual started with the second book, which was the only one I remember being nervous about I suppose I'd absorbed a fair amount of that sophomore-jinx stuff; the idea that one hit might only be a fluke. I remember an American Lit lecturer's once saying that of modern American writers, only Harper Lee had found a foolproof way of avoiding the second-book blues. When I reached the end of The Red-Shirt Man, I stopped just short of finishing. The Edwardian on Benton Street in Derry was still two years in the future at that point, but we had purchased Sara Laughs, the place on Dark Score (not anywhere near as furnished as it later became, and Jo's studio not yet built, but nice), and that's where we were. I pushed back from my typewriter I was still clinging to my old IBM Selectric in those days and went into the kitchen. It was mid-September, most of the summer people were gone, and the crying of the loons on the lake sounded inexpressibly lovely. The sun was going down, and the lake itself had become a still and heatless plate of fire. This is one of the most vivid memories I have, so clear I sometimes feel I could step right into it and live it all again. What things, if any, would I do differently? I sometimes wonder about that. Early that evening I had put a bottle of Taittinger and two flutes in the fridge. Now I took them out, put them on a tin tray that was usually employed to transport pitchers of iced tea or Kool-Aid from the kitchen to the deck, and carried it before me into the living room. Johanna was deep in her ratty old easy chair, reading a book (not Maugham that night but William Denbrough, one of her contemporary favorites). ‘Ooo,' she said, looking up and marking her place. ‘Champagne, what's the occasion?' As if, you understand, she didn't know. ‘I'm done,' I said. ‘Mon livre est tout fini.' ‘Well,' she said, smiling and taking one of the flutes as I bent down to her with the tray, ‘then that's all right, isn't it?' I realize now that the essence of the ritual the part that was alive and powerful, like the one true magic word in a mouthful of gibberish was that phrase. We almost always had champagne, and she almost always came into the office with me afterward for the other thing, but not always. Once, five years or so before she died, she was in Ireland, vacationing with a girlfriend, when I finished a book. I drank the champagne by myself that time, and entered the last line by myself as well (by then I was using a Macintosh which did a billion different things and which I used for only one) and never lost a minute's sleep over it. But I called her at the inn where she and her friend Bryn were staying; I told her I had finished, and listened as she said the words I'd called to hear words that slipped into an Irish telephone line, travelled to a microwave transmitter, rose like a prayer to some satellite, and then came back down to my ear: ‘Well, then that's all right, isn't it?' This custom began, as I say, after the second book. When we'd each had a glass of champagne and a refill, I took her into the office, where a single sheet of paper still stuck out of my forest-green Selectric. On the lake, one last loon cried down dark, that call that always sounds to me like something rusty turning slowly in the wind. ‘I thought you said you were done,' she said. ‘Everything but the last line,' I said. ‘The book, such as it is, is dedicated to you, and I want you to put down the last bit.' She didn't laugh or protest or get gushy, just looked at me to see if I really meant it. I nodded that I did, and she sat in my chair. She had been swimming earlier, and her hair was pulled back and threaded through a white elastic thing. It was wet, and two shades darker red than usual. I touched it. It was like touching damp silk. ‘Paragraph indent?' she asked, as seriously as a girl from the steno pool about to take dictation from the big boss. ‘No,' I said, ‘this continues.' And then I spoke the line I'd been holding in my head ever since I got up to pour the champagne.'†He slipped the chain over her head, and then the two of them walked down the steps to where the car was parked.†' She typed it, then looked around and up at me expectantly. ‘That's it,' I said. ‘You can write The End, I guess.' Jo hit the RETURN button twice, centered the carriage, and typed The End under the last line of prose, the IBM's Courier type ball (my favorite) spinning out the letters in their obedient dance. ‘What's the chain he slips over her head?' she asked me. ‘You'll have to read the book to find out.' With her sitting in my desk chair and me standing beside her, she was in perfect position to put her face where she did. When she spoke, her lips moved against the most sensitive part of me. There were a pair of cotton shorts between us and that was all. ‘Ve haff vays off making you talk,' she said. ‘I'll just bet you do,' I said. I at least made a stab at the ritual on the day I finished All the Way from the Top. It felt hollow, form from which the magical substance had departed, but I'd expected that. I didn't do it out of superstition but out of respect and love. A kind of memorial, if you will. Or, if you will, Johanna's real funeral service, finally taking place a month after she was in the ground. It was the last third of September, and still hot the hottest late summer I can remember. All during that final sad push on the book, I kept thinking how much I missed her . . . but that never slowed me down. And here's something else: hot as it was in Derry, so hot I usually worked in nothing but a pair of boxer shorts, I never once thought of going to our place at the lake. It was as if my memory of Sara Laughs had been entirely wiped from my mind. Perhaps that was because by the time I finished Top, that truth was finally sinking in. She wasn't just in Ireland this time. My office at the lake is tiny, but has a view. The office in Derry is long, book-lined, and windowless. On this particular evening, the overhead fans there are three of them were on and paddling at the soupy air. I came in dressed in shorts, a tee-shirt, and rubber thong sandals, carrying a tin Coke tray with the bottle of champagne and the two chilled glasses on it. At the far end of that railroad-car room, under an eave so steep I'd had to almost crouch so as not to bang my head when I got up (over the years I'd also had to withstand Jo's protests that I'd picked the absolute worst place in the room for a workstation), the screen of my Macintosh glowed with words. I thought I was probably inviting another storm of grief -maybe the worst storm but I went ahead anyway . . . and our emotions always surprise us, don't they? There was no weeping and wailing that night; I guess all that was out of my system. Instead there was a deep and wretched sense of loss the empty chair where she used to like to sit and read, the empty table where she would always set her glass too close to the edge. I poured a glass of champagne, let the foam settle, then picked it up. ‘I'm done, Jo,' I said as I sat there beneath the paddling fans. ‘So that's all right, isn't it?' There was no response. In light of all that came later, I think that's worth repeating there was no response. I didn't sense, as I later did, that I was not alone in a room which appeared empty. I drank the champagne, put the glass back on the Coke tray, then filled the other one. I took it over to the Mac and sat down where Johanna would have been sitting, if not for everyone's favorite loving God. No weeping and wailing, but my eyes prickled with tears. The words on the screen were these: today wasn't so bad, she supposed. She crossed the grass to her car, and laughed when she saw the white square of paper under the windshield. Cam Delancey, who refused to be discouraged, or to take no for an answer, had invited her to another of his Thursday-night wine-tasting parties. She took the paper, started to tear it up, then changed her mind and stuck it in the hip pocket of her jeans, instead. ‘No paragraph indent,' I said, ‘this continues.' Then I keyboarded the line I'd been holding in my head ever since I got up to get the champagne. There was a whole world out there; Cam Delancey's wine-tasting was as good a place to start as any. I stopped, looking at the little flashing cursor. The tears were still prickling at the corners of my eyes, but I repeat that there were no cold drafts around my ankles, no spectral fingers at the nape of my neck. I hit RETURN twice. I clicked on CENTER. I typed The End below the last line of prose, and then I toasted the screen with what should have been Jo's glass of champagne. ‘Here's to you, babe,' I said. ‘I wish you were here. I miss you like hell.' My voice wavered a little on that last word, but didn't break. I drank the Taittinger, saved my final line of copy, transferred the whole works to floppy disks, then backed them up. And except for notes, grocery lists, and checks, that was the last writing I did for four years.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

An Interview With A Caucasian Family

Family History Interview The person I choose to interview was my mother Elizabeth . The reason I chose to interview her was that I wanted to gain a closer bond with her. She is the closet relative living from which I could gain the most knowledge. (Q11) She was raised by both of her parents. (Q1) Her father Marlyn , was the Mayor or Morgantown, WV, as well taught law at WVU. Her Mother was Jerry , a graduate of WVU with a bachelor’s degree in zoology. Jerry was a woman of many talents. She sold†¦ Interview One Questions The first interview is between two sisters. I questioned the oldest sister, which is 30 years old. I believe that this sibling relationship is between Intimate and congenial. The reason I think this, is because the sisters seem very close and seem to accept that their relationship is valued by both of them. I also believe that the relationship is congenial because the siblings seem to be friends as well. These sisters seem†¦ think that something similar could happen but I think police would investigate it much more than they did back in Duluth, when the crime was committed. I think that this might happen today if the police officer who is conducting the interview with a young Caucasian woman, if the police officer has any form of prejudice or bias toward any specific race of people or if they believes everything the person is saying is true without investigating further. Many things have changed for the better since†¦ Family Interview Throughout the semester, I have been very excited about this paper and jumped at the opportunity to interview my older sister, Michelle. Our family is a little unconventional, but I would not change it for the world. My sister and I both have the same father, but different mothers due to divorce and remarriage. Interestingly enough, my sister is thirteen years older than me, causing us to spend most of our lives at different points and milestones. Within recent years, we have become†¦ Marriage and Family Interview Assumptions Fundamentally, I believe marriage is diverse, since individuals originate from different backgrounds and cultures. Individuals, including married couples, have different values, beliefs, and attitudes towards life, such as parenting styles, rituals, traditions, and religious and spirituality affiliations, to name a few. Additionally, many couples decide not to have children. As counselors, we learn that each client is different, and the same goes for†¦ For the family interview, I decided to meet with one of my friends to interview her about her family. We started by focusing on her whole family tree, including all of her aunts, uncles, and cousins. After we went over the entire family, I asked her questions about the members she has a significant relationship with and asked about their education, occupation, interests, health problems, and friendships. The person that I interviewed is in a serious relationship, so we went over her partner’s family†¦ Interview of a family member I have selected to interview my grandfather. The main reason for that is because I have learned many things from the stories and experiences that he has shared with me about his life. I will be comparing my grandpa’s life as a teen in the 1960’s to the life of a teenager now days using the knowledge that we both have to offer ,even though he was not living in Canada during his teen years. In general being a teenager in the 1960’s was different compared to being a teenager†¦ Being born into a caucasian middle-class family was not something that I chose or had any power over. My life could be much different than it is now had my parents, or may I say birth parents, kept me. I do not like to use the phrase â€Å"given up† as my parent did not just give me away to some strange family, but I was put into a middle-class family so that I could live a â€Å"happy† life. My biological parents, more my mother, were not in the position to raise a baby. At the age of eighteen and living†¦ Family Interview and Genogram I chose to interview Inmaculada â€Å"Alex† DeFeo (2015). She is the source of much of the information. I based assessments on my analysis of her explained life. Detailed is given to her age and familial relations. The strength perspective used in order to highlight strengths in how overcoming or living with situations, statuses, and results of events. Individual and family patterns, concern, and influences regarding them aimed are touched upon. Family Members Names†¦ Family Interview A student nurse interviewed a twenty-six year old mother and twenty-seven year old father; first time parents of a healthy, full term baby boy. The mother has no significant health history with the exception of Herpes Simplex Virus, which she was adequately treated for with antiviral medication. The maternal grandmother has a history of breast cancer and cervical cancer, while the maternal grandfather has a history of type I diabetes. The father has no significant health history†¦

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Financial Reporting Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Financial Reporting - Essay Example InterContinental Hotels primarily listed on the London Stock exchange and is a constituent of the FTSE 100 Index. It is secondary listed on the New York Stock Exchange. This report is concerned with the performance of the group in the last Accounting period, 2011. Therefore, performance analysis will compare results of 2011 with those of 2010. We will also analyze segmental information of the group by comparing 2011 results with 2010 results. 1.1 Analysis of segmental information In this analysis, we will consider two segments in IHG which are the business segments and the geographical segments (IHG Annual report 2011). Geographical segments include America, Europe, great China, AMEA and Central. You find that IHGs target market is in the developed markets and the emerging markets. As discussed earlier, IHG has four business segments with regard to the percentage of control. They include the Franchised, managed, owned and leased and central parts of the business. a. Revenue Looking a t the 2011 financial report, there was no significant change in the percentage of revenue contribution by each business segment. The percentage of revenue contribution by franchised part of the business remained the same at 34% compared with year 2010. For the owned and leased segment, revenue contribution dropped by 2% from 35% in 2010 to 33% in 2011. ... From the analysis, most of the revenue has been realized in the franchised part of the business. This is because it majority of the hotels have been franchised, approximately over 3900 hotels. In the case of the geographical segments, the percentage of revenue contribution in America dropped by 3%, that is from 50 percent in 2010 to 47 percent in 2011. In Europe, there was 23 percent revenue contribution and 20 percent in 2010. There was no significant change in AMEA as the percentage of revenue contribution declined by one percent. In 2011, there was 12% revenue contribution and 13% in 2010. The same applies to china as there was little change in revenue contribution percentage. It only increased by 1%, from 11 percent in 2010 to 12 percent in 2011. The central region experienced no changes at all in revenue contribution percentage as it remained at 6 percent. America contributes the highest percentage of revenue since it has over 3.4 million rooms of which 1.3 million rooms are bra nded and has a market share of 64% in the industry. Other geographical segments such as AMEA lie in between. China on the contrary indicates growth opportunity as it seems that the market has not been fully tapped, and no barriers of entry exist (IHG Annual report 2011). In addition, there is a strong economic growth in china. b. Operating profits margin including Exceptional Items In the geographical segment, America has the best performance, then AMEA and Great China. Europe has the lowest performance with regard to operating profits including exceptional items. In 2011, , there was a 9%, 10% and 3% increase in operating profit including exceptional items in America, AMEA and Great China respectively. Europe experienced a drop by 6% that is from 22 percent in 2010 to 16 percent in

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Using social media for advertising Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Using social media for advertising - Coursework Example By seeing the growing reputation of these social networks among public, now advertisers are also choosing social networking sites to advertise their products and services. This paper discusses how advertisers take benefits of social networks to advertise their products. At the start we will discuss about social networks, after that we will discuss why people use social networks, and in the last we will discuss the role of social networks in advertising. According to (Boyd & Ellison, 2007), social media based sites or social networks are one of the most attractive web-based applications or tools which individuals/users use to perform the following actions: In this scenario, the basic objective of these social networks is not that they help individuals communicate and make relationships with unknown persons, but, it helps individuals create, maintain, and make identifiable their social networks or profiles. In other words, it can be said that this results in communication with individuals that would not in other ways be possible or done, even though that is not the main goal, since these communications or relationships are usually among "latent ties" the users having some offline links (Boyd & Ellison, 2007). Presently, the trend of social networking is growing everywhere and the social networking websites have turned out to be a family name. In spite of the fact that, it is an individual’s private or professional existence, they are in actual fact magnificent procedure for making new relationships online and communicating with friends, colleagues (Sedycias, 2009) because a social networking web site is a kind of website where individuals and groups are able to build up an online profile, after that they enter their interests in the profile, as well as they can add or insert connections to other profiles. In addition, the people using social networking sites are able

Monday, August 26, 2019

Managing Financial Systems in the Hospitality Industry Essay

Managing Financial Systems in the Hospitality Industry - Essay Example This essay stresses that financial statement appraises the company’s owners of the financial standing of the firm. Based on this the organization takes decisions, which affect both the profitability and the risk of the firm’s operations. In the hospitality industry, management accounting system (MAS) gives an evaluation of the performance. Financial statements help to monitor business performance and analyze statement relevant to investment decisions. There is more emphasis now on risk assessment and non-financial performance measures. This paper makes a conclusion that Market analysis gives details of competition, and expected business based on macro and micro factors. It takes into account the country’s economy, the reasons for recessions and downslide and the resultant impact on the business proposed. The projections of sales and profitability can only be made once the revenue per customer is estimated. Market segmentation further helps to get a realistic picture. The value of the company is determined by the analysts and the capital market by discounting the present value of the future cash flows that will be generated by the company’s operations. The assets and liabilities also change in value over time. The revaluations are fixed with reference to either the stock market or the real estate market. In the case of the hospitality industry it is related to the real estate market. The financial analysts also deal separately with the assets and liabilities.

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Investigation of the relationship between gender and grades Essay

Investigation of the relationship between gender and grades - Essay Example The Study Background of the Study Boys and girls have been noted to perform differently in different grades at schools. While some researchers believe that this is because of the difference in their attitudes, there are those that believe that there are other factors contributing towards the difference in performance. For instance, we have a significant difference in grade level and gender in primary schools and the student attitude towards scientific and mathematical subjects. However, this is not the only case. This is because although student attitude changes depending on subjects and as their grade level rises, capabilities, and grasping ability also play a part in regulating the way students perform at the schools. In the contemporary society, studies have revealed that the female students form the largest group of students attending school at a late age across all nations. However, while this is more prevalent at the higher levels of learning, the studies also show that they ar e represented all over from elementary to graduate school. Furthermore, even despite the fact that they commence their studies at a late age, they are less represented in different levels of study (Emslie, Hunt, & Macintyre, 1999). In further exploring on how female students perform El Rafei (2009) observes that these students are also left out of science and mathematics subjects. Therefore, he further goes to elaborate that if the trend continues in the schools at the United States, the country faces a potential of a serious shortfall in the number of female students undertaking fields in subjects such as science and mathematics. In support of these assertions by El Rafei, Emslie, Hunt, and Macintyre (1999) explain that the ultimately, the female students might not be failing at higher levels of leraning due to their negligence or lack of concetration. This is because these students received a poor background in these subjects as they were undergoing their prepartion classes at the early elementary grade school. Therefore, this undermined their success rates at the high schools and colleges. Ultimately, they avoid the subject fields and this affects their career choices in life. Therefore, it is important that all students, especially the female students and the minority groups receive adequate training and preparation for their science and mathematics subjects at an early stage. This is because adequate preparation enables them to develop social and intellectual interest in the subjects. Furthermore, it also assists them to participate fully in their technological societies as they seek to contribute to the society. However, it is not always that female students get interested in studying sceince and mathemenatics subjects. In any case, a basic understanding of the students in these subjects is critical. However, this is not so that they make career choices related to the fields. This is because it enhances their ability to think and make calculated decision s in their lives. Description of the Study The objective of the study is to investigate grade level and gender and their association with the overall performance of students at in high school. However, while all subjects were considered, the main area of focus was mathematics and science subjects for students at the 9th and 10th grade. As the study began, a number of questionnaires were administered to over 500 students in these two grades. For comprehensive analysis, two

Write a team paper about the economic history of a Canadian town or Term - 1

Write a team about the economic history of a Canadian town or city of your own choosing - Term Paper Example Furthermore, Ontario is the main manufacturing centre with many industries ranging from communication technologies, automobiles, pharmaceuticals, biotechnology and medical services. In the entire Northern America, Ontario has the largest jurisdiction in North America in terms of assembly of automobiles according to the available statistics, in 2011; Canada exported 88% of its produced vehicles most of them destined for the United States. In the same year again, Ontario made exports from its manufacturing industries worthy $258 billion (Ontario, 2014). In terms of employees, Ontario has a higher number of employees in its manufacturing industries compared to Texas and California. In the agricultural sector, Ontario has got the first class farming lands in the entire country and there are about 51,950 farms according to the 2011 census. When translated in the entire country, they make about a quarter of the entire productive land in Canada. The main production from Ontario’s agr icultural sector include, flowers, cash crops, fruits, dairy and beef cattle farms, ornamentals, and vegetables (Ontario, 2014). The forestry sector also contributes to Canada’s economy; it supports the standard of living to about 53,000 people. In mineral production, the city produced a revenue of $10 billion dollars in 2011 (Ontario, 2014). The economic history of Ontario dates back to 12,000 years before the arrival of the European settlers. The Iroquoian and Algonquian had settled on Ontario in the past 12000 years (Ontario, 2014). In early 1600s, both British and French colonist started arriving to work in Ontario (Ontario, 2014). After the 7 year old war from 1756-1763, most of the land had been grabbed by the British settlers. This area was later named the province of Quebec that covered Ontario, Part of the United States, and Quebec. Immediately after the revolution, most of the Americans loyal to the British settlers moved to Ontario (Ontario, 2014). Later, Ontario was

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Information Technology in Transport and Logistics Essay

Information Technology in Transport and Logistics - Essay Example This essay focuses on discussing the application of IT solutions to transportation and logistics that can improve their efficiency and to bring about better management of highways, shipping, airfreight, railroad and public transportation systems. The researcher also analyzes that it can help ease traffic congestion, enhance the efficiency and productivity of transportation services and logistics, and more significantly reduce costs. As it's observed in the essay, sustainable transportation in an age today when energy prices are uncertain but broadly increasing requires that efforts be made to shift passenger and goods transport to cheaper means of transportation. The application of IT solutions to large-scale transportation and logistic systems has certainly produced increased efficiencies even today, particularly in order booking and tracking, vehicle navigation, route planning, and safety and control systems. However, the researcher states that there is still more room for making s uch applications wider across the globe in future in tune with the rapid strides in information and communication technologies and the Internet revolution. Information technologies also need to be capable of graceful scalability when applied to traffic control, logistic management or vehicle system. In addition, many logistics and transportation companies serve a large clientele, transparency of information about real-time operations can also make a difference to clients, particularly in scheduling and tracking shipments.

Friday, August 23, 2019

Effective Management of Hypertension in African Americans Research Proposal

Effective Management of Hypertension in African Americans - Research Proposal Example For a long time, the high prevalence of hypertension (HTN) among the African Americans has not been fully examined through extensive research. Instead, conclusions have been made regarding the various treatment procedures. However, the incidences of associated complications have taken their toll on the patients and the treatment they get. A great deal of literature has emerged on the need for extensive research on ways of ensuring that each individual maintains good health, especially those with higher chances of getting cardiovascular ailments (Howard, Carson, Holmes, & Kaufman, 2009). Most of this research has been generalized with very few African Americans involved in the research case studies. The few that were integrated were used to generalize for the entire African American population. This was inconclusive in many ways since there are a number of attributes that were largely ignored. The efficacy of anti-hypertensive drugs in managing hypertension in African Americans is not well studied. The proposed intervention to effectively manage hypertension in African Americans is a combination therapy of thiazide diuretics and any other antihypertensive agent. Background Research on the African American communit

Thursday, August 22, 2019

A Discussion of Paulo Freires Banking Concept of Education Essay Example for Free

A Discussion of Paulo Freires Banking Concept of Education Essay Freire implies that teachers are only telling students what to know rather than conversting with them, which explains why Freire insists that â€Å"education is suffering from narration sickness†(Freire 71). This means that he believes that educators only fill student’s minds with information, that the teacher feels is important, without providing the students the meaning and personal relevance that information has. By using this method, the student is oppressed by the teacher and unable to fulfill a complete state of consciousness. I can remember several times in my educational experiences where I have been the â€Å"depository† in Freire’s Banking Concept of Education, but no experience is more relative than my Organic Chemistry class three years ago where I learned that problem-solving education is vastly superior to banking-education because it allows students to acquire true understanding of their world and the ability to reach consciousness. During the summer of 2009, I took a summer semester of Organic Chemistry at University of California Berkeley. When I first entered the lecture hall, there were masses of people fighting for seats and some even resided to sitting on the floor or going into the side room to watch the lecture on television. As soon as the clock hit 9:00 am, five faculty members walked into the room: Professor Francis and four Graduate Student Instructors (GSIs). From the start, Dr. Francis went over the course structure, what it entailed, and how we as students could obtain help. While he was going over the syllabus information, he made one point extremely clear: â€Å"I cannot answer your personal questions during lecture time. If you have questions, please visit me during my office hours or please ask one of the GSIs. † After making that point, he transitioned into his lecture on functional groups; however, I was not following him. I immediately knew that this would be a lecture-only class, and I knew that I would need to write down every single note, diagram, or graph he showed us and memorize it for future examinations. Freire would acclaim that I would become a â€Å"depository† because I would simply allow Professor Francis to deposit his ‘knowledge’ into my mind without further question or thought. I would become a slave, oppressed by the very person who was supposed to free me (Freire 74). Dr. Francis continued in his slide show and a large slide labeled ‘Hydrocarbons’ appeared on the screen, and below the title were several different organic hydrocarbon functional groups, such as alkenes, alkanes, alkynes, benzenes, and toluene. He discussed each hydrocarbon in great depth and showed us students how to recognize them based on their bond sequences and patterns, how they react in the presence of other organic molecules, and how their chemical bonds affect water. After an exhaustive lecture of copying everything he said into my 128 notebook, he announced that we must memorize all of the hydrocarbon groups, and to be able to recognize them for an exam setting. Never once did he explain what what makes them important. I raised my hand at the end of the lecture, and asked him what the application of hydrocarbons are in the ‘real-world’. He replied not to worry about that, and that we needed to be able to recognize them and know how they function chemically, not practically, and why would he take the time to explain how hydrocarbons function? In order for Dr. Francis to keep his job, Freire asserts that, â€Å"the teacher must assume all of his students as ignorant†(Freire 72). This implies that if Dr. Francis had gone straight to the point and explained why hydrocarbons were important in the real world and in a laboratory setting, he wouldn’t have a job. It was his job to pick out extremely detailed and ‘useless’ properties and functionalities of hydrocarbons and make them seem important to us. By continuing to explain and confuse us students, he was able to maintain a shroud of ignorance over the student body, and from this, he justifies his job as absolute. This is what Freire refers to as the â€Å"cycle of ignorance† that continuously allows the teacher to keep his job because society believes that the ignorant students need him for their self-betterment. For the next several weeks, I adhered to Dr. Francis’s ‘Banking Style of Education’, and it worked. I received an A on every exam and test I took because I memorized and accepted the information Dr. Francis gave me without second thought. Freire feels that my total submission to the instructor was the reason for my success because he suggests that â€Å"The more meekly the receptacles permit themselves to be filled, the better students they are†(Freire 72). Freire’s explanation worries me because to know is not to know. Just because I could recognize different functional groups, which in the banking concept would make me a better student, did not mean that I could apply my understanding of organic chemistry to a real life situation because I hadn’t been taught to apply the information to anything at all. My ignorance and inability to grasp the true meanings and concepts of organic chemistry became extremely clear in the laboratory because the lab is where students take all of their knowledge and apply it to solve a problem or set of problems. After the first quarter of the summer semester, the laboratory portion of the course opened. My first assignment was to estimate the bond angles of methane, and at first I had no idea what to do because I had only been instructed to recognize methane and its bonding patters. I was never asked to manipulate the molecule’s properties to gain further understanding, and this caused me to realize that I was flawed because the ‘knowledge’ that I acquired was not mine, but Dr. Francis’ deposits of impractical segments of knowledge. With no idea where to start my laboratory or how to assess the assignment, I asked the Teaching Assistant (TA) for help. She simply replied, â€Å"Think about what you know about methane’s properties, and manipulate your knowledge so you can measure the bond angle. Needless to say, this was not helpful because I had no idea how to apply my knowledge and understanding because I was not taught to. I was simply an object who, according to Freire, â€Å"is in the world,† implying that I was not conscious of my own being and awareness (Freire 78). This is why I allowed Dr. Francis to continue depositing information into me because he posed himself as my liberator, my educator, but he was my oppres sor. By not being able to use and apply my knowledge, my critical consciousness and inner will to understand began to diminish. This is why Freire announces, â€Å"The more students work at storing the deposits entrusted to them, the less they develop the critical consciousness which would result from their intervention in the world as transformers of that world†(Freire 73). Freire implies that students lose the will power, the motivation, to develop awareness when they are force-fed information, so he argues that students must develop this ‘critical consciousness’ themselves through problem solving. This is when I realized that Dr. Francis couldn’t and won’t teach me how to understand what I have learned; I needed to learn how to apply and master the information I was taught by myself, not some other individual. Education is supposed to empower individuals; however, since I was ‘in-the-world’ I let the banking concept oppress me and my true understanding of knowledge. I failed the first Organic Chemistry lab. I didn’t know how to solve the problems and apply my knowledge, nor did I have the willpower to, so I simply gave up. I was incredibly frustrated after the first lab, not because I couldn’t get the right answer, but because I couldn’t apply my knowledge to solve the problem. I spent the next several lectures gathering notes, expanding on them, and making sense of the information; however, I was still unable to understand the information in practical terms. My frustration grew because I felt that all my efforts studying information and memorizing its contents was wasted. How could education provide all of this knowledge that we, as students, are unable to apply? What was the point of education? At the time, I felt education was society’s largest flaw because it wasted the time and severed the creativity students put into it. Freire agrees with me because he argues, â€Å"The capability of banking education is to minimize or annul the students’ creative power†(Freire 73). This implies that Freire agrees that education is flawed because it severs student creativity; although, it does not answer why we must learn meaningless and impractical information obtained in our lives. Freire responds that not everyone will find meaning through their education; however, he believes that people should continue to pursue the parts of education that students find interesting, such as in a higher education setting (Freire 76). I knew most of the information that I obtained in chemistry was impractical for most individuals and even myself in a day-to-day scenario, but chemistry was interesting to me. It was something that I wanted to pursue and gain further understanding of because every piece of information left me wanting more. Giving up and throwing my knowledge away was not an option because I wanted and worked my entire life to make sense of what I learned in this world, and it keeps on changing and reshaping every day. As a last effort, I went to the tutoring help desk at the university to get help, so I could understand my information and knowledge and apply it to the lab. I was assigned a tutor, Kevin, and he brought me and two other students into a small concealed 1010 room with a large foldup table in the middle. We all sat down and Kevin asked us what we needed help with. The other students didn’t look like they were forced to be there and kept quiet, so I took the opportunity to obtain help. I told him that â€Å"I have a hard time applying the lecture notes in the lab. † Kevin explained that my situation was very typical because the lectures and exams were based on memorization where the labs relied on the interaction between what you know and how to solve the problem. He brought out an organic chemistry book and questioned, â€Å"Why is water polar? I immediately responded that water is polar because the oxygen atom has more elections than the hydrogen atoms at any one time giving the hydrogen molecules a positive charge and the oxygen a negative charge. Kevin told me that I was right, but this occurred due to the extreme differences in electronegativity. We continued to solve problems together and critique one another on our answers, and from this he was teaching me and I was teaching him. Freire would call this interaction, â€Å"problem-solving-education† because â€Å"The teacher is no longer merely the-one-who-teaches, but one who is himself taught in dialogue with the students†(Freire 80). This implies that both teacher and student work together to solve problems, and by doing so, they gain a greater understanding of the topic. This is exactly what Kevin and I were doing because we were teaching each other and able to create a more significant understanding and meaning of chemistry that allowed me to visualize a topic and solve it logistically instead of memorizing the topic and solving it formulaically. This is why Freire belives that â€Å"the conditions under which knowledge at the level of the doxa is superseded by true knowledge, at the level of the logos†(Freire 81). Freire’s text implies that common knowledge and understanding (doxa) can be transformed into true mastery of the subject and reason (logos). Since Keven and I were taking basic information and each giving it new meaning in our problem-solving tutoring sessions, I was able to acquire a true mastery and understanding of chemistry. Working with Kevin several times a week gave me a true understanding and relation of chemistry, which allowed me to pass my lab course with an A. Overcoming the problems of the banking-concept and learning the problem-solving method changed my life forever. I took the problem-solving method that I learned with Kevin and applied it with other students, colleagues, professors, and friends, so I could continue to problem solve and gain true understanding of knowledge throughout my life. Problem-solving education continues to be vastly superior to banking-education because in addition to learning and understanding information, problem-solving-education forces individuals to retain information they acquire so they can apply for future use. Since I was able to take knowledge and apply my understanding of it, Freire would conclude this type of understanding as â€Å"being with the world†(Freire 78). Being with-the-world means that the individual is conscious of their surroundings and is able to fully interact in the world they are in. Instead of being an object or vessel, the individual is able to make conscious decisions and interpret the world as they see it. This induces self-freedom and liberation in a person because when a person learns something, they retain that information forever and no human being in the world can take that information away. It also provides a mental salvation because if the physical realm is too harsh to live in, those who have mastered problem-solving and acquired pure consciousness can escape from their physical realm into their consciousness where they have stored all of their memories, techniques, and information, and no person can get to them besides themselves.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Of Endings and Closures Essay Example for Free

Of Endings and Closures Essay When reading a novel, some cannot avoid but get carried away by the emotions and experiences of the characters. Some novelists are very good not only at capturing interest of their readers but also getting them involved in the turn of events. Through the dialogues, the characters, and the plot, the readers are compelled to think, feel, and even dream. With vivid imagination, readers can feel like they are active participants to the story. Taking this into consideration, authors should consider what the readers would feel upon reading a story. Although the beginning of the story is one very important part of the plot, the ending is more important for it concludes and seals in every knot, each loose end presented throughout the story. It decides what will happen to the characters, and suggests to the readers how they should think or react to the situation or feelings presented. They compel the readers to continue the thought implied at the end, or to imagine the scenes come true in reality. This way the story’s ending is very important. Without it the story will not reach its finality. Designing a suitable ending is very important. Based on the thoughts and experiences of the characters, the ending should provide a finality to make the work complete. It should provide conclusion to the themes of the story, and tie every loose end so as not to leave the audience hanging. Although some stories are open-ended, where readers are asked to decide what happens next, these stories still suggest a specific ending considering the events that proceeded. The point is, as the reader closes the book, they should be left with a thought to provoke other thoughts that they could apply in their own experiences. A story’s ending does not always have to be happy. There are endings that are meant to be sad especially if this is where the main character is led throughout the story. In learning about point of view, we see how the story’s angle of narration connects with the ending. Based on this, a story with the omniscient angle is likely to have a happy ending, where all characters will be settled in place, those who are good will be rewarded, while those who are bad will be punished. In contrast, a story presenting the psychological angle will likely constitute a sad ending or death of someone connected to the main character. These two angles are the ones used in the novels of two great classical women writers, Jane Austen and Emily Bronte. Jane Austen’s Northanger Abbey presents the omniscient angle, while Emily Bronte’s Wuthering Heights uses the psychological angle, being told by Lockwood, who makes a reflection on what is happening around him. In Northanger Abbey, Jane Austen employs the omniscient angle. Although the story is focused on Catherine as the main character, subplots are used to tell experiences, especially love affairs of other characters like Isabella, Eleanor, John, and James. Told in the omniscient angle, the author provides a closure to every subplot, and finally leads to the major one, the conclusion for the major character’s journey. Noticeably, different sub-endings are employed in the story. The end of Isabella’s affair with James (Catherine’s brother) is not successful, neither is her relationship with Frederick. Similarly, the arrogant John Thorpe does not succeed in winning Catherine’s heart, while Eleanor (Henry’s sister) gets to marry a wealthy and prominent man, an ending somehow related to that of Catherine’s. Told in the omniscient angle, the narrator seems to see everything happening among the characters. Although the focus is on the development in the life of the young woman, other events that intertwine are also told by the omniscient narrator. As such, the deeds and feelings of the characters are revealed in the story. If follows that those who are good-natured, those who does not fake affection like Catherine, Eleanor, and Henry are granted proper treatment in the story, with a proper ending for all of them. In relation, those who do not do good, and feign affection are punished, such as Isabella and John. The omniscient angle affects the story or vice versa for it considers the effect on the readers. As mentioned, those who should be punished lose in the unraveling of events, and those who are good triumph. In contrast, Emily Bronte uses the psychological angle in her novel, Wuthering Heights. The story is told by Lockwood, who serves as a major participant in the story for he is the one giving account and reflecting on the major characters’ experiences. Although he is not a major character in the plot involving Heathcliff and those who have died, he plays an important role in that the story of Heathcliff affects him directly, and makes him write his own point of view regarding other characters. As the major narrator who takes interest in his landlord’s story, he portrays Heathcliff with some psychological imbalance, giving his account a psychological treatment. The angle by which the story is told relates with the ending of the story. Being told in the major character’s viewpoint, it gives account on what happens to the main character, Heathcliff, his affections, sufferings, emotional imbalance, etc. Through this angle we see how the death of Catherine Earnshaw affects Heathcliff, and how the anger inside him makes him fall into a tragic pit. Aside from point of view, the kind of characters present in the story affects the treatment and the ending. Both novels employ the concept of bildungsroman, thus providing the psychological, moral and intellectual development of the characters from the time they are young. As such, in Austen’s Northanger Abbey, we see how the naive Catherine grows up to be a self-assured individual. As the character’s journey continues, she meets different people to help her gain new insights about life, and she matures more with the experiences she has. Although some events lead her to feel dismayed such as the feign feelings of Isabella towards her brother, and the arrogance of John, the encounters she has makes her a more mature person. Moreover, her encounters with the Linton and the captain’s hospitality of sending her back home contribute to her development, for these help her explore the world and find her place in it. The positive development of Austen’s character normally leads to a positive ending. As the events unravel, the readers may expect a happy ending for the character. Although Henry’s proposal comes a little later than she wishes, it concludes the major character’s ultimate wish, and justifies the preparation Catherine undergoes in being a full-grown woman. The plot is designed in such a way that the character experiences all the necessary events in her life, including the waiting and rejection, for her to satisfy a more important role in the end, that is fulfilling her wish to be a family woman. The same concept of bildungsroman is applied by Bronte in the character of Heathcliff. This starts with the adoption of Heathcliff by Mr. Earnshaw despite the strong disapproval of Hindley. In the story, we see that the weak boy turns into a strong and influential man when he grows up. However, unlike the protagonist of Austen, Heathcliff develops in a rather negative way. His hatred towards Hindley and Edgar Linton makes him bitter and this does not change until the end. Although there is development, it is negative, thus leading to the tragic ending of the said character. There is a clear relevance between the negative development Heathcliff undergoes and the sad ending he encounters. Some readers who prefer a happy ending would still expect Heathcliff to change along the way, especially when he finally reunites with his son. However, it is only rational and more realistic that the former events lead to the tragic ending. The melancholy the character imposes on himself and others correspond to the ending that Bronte gives. The cruel and unforgiving personality Heathcliff projects reasonably leads to his bad fate. We may say that this is more reasonable than make him reflect on everything he has done and have him repent at the end. Although having him repent for his sins would make the story more cathartic as what would be explained later, the ending by Bronte may have better relevance during the time the novel was written. The theme of misery is probably more appealing to the people during its milieu, that is why faith in God and religion is not emphasized in the story. Moreover, the novel’s themes of misery and revenge are two intertwined motifs. Heathcliff suffers misery because of his cruelty and wish for revenge. He insists on having his way on everything, even if doing so would hurt the people around him. The misery he feels later leads him to insanity, as he talks to Catherine’s ghost on his own. It probably appealed more to the audience to have Heathcliff suffer at the end than have him repent and change his ways. The question of catharsis is another consideration in evaluating the ending of a story. Catharsis as Meriam Webster Online Dictionary defines (2008), â€Å"is a purification or purgation that brings about spiritual renewal or release from tension. In employing catharsis, the author should use elements to balance the good and evil in the story. For instance, crime stories with criminals as the main characters should not just portray them as bad people, but also as good ones. One classic example is Robin Hood. In this tale we see that the protagonist steals from the rich to give the goods to the poor people. By making him champion the cause of the poor, the character is an example of a cathartic hero. Even though stealing from the rich is a crime, it is made positive and thus gains approval from those in the lower class. This way, the story becomes cathartic. In Northanger Abbey, we see catharsis in the lives of the characters. First, we see the consequences in the life of Isabella. When she falls in love with James, she also remains as Catherine’s friend, but when she leaves James for Frederick, she loses her bestfriend and the man who loves her. Such fate of an unfaithful lover demonstrates the author’s way of achieving catharsis. It reveals that unfaithfulness will not lead to finding true love, and retribution will come later on.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Human Rights Law DNA Profiling A Comparative Analysis Law Essay

Human Rights Law DNA Profiling A Comparative Analysis Law Essay It has been pointed out already that no knowledge of probabilities, less in degree than certainty, helps us to know what conclusions are true, and that there is no direct relation between the truth of a proposition and its probability. Probability begins and ends with probability. John Maynard Keynes What is DNA? DNA (Deoxyribonucleic acid) is the chemical basis of life that complexes with proteins to form the chromosomes. The sequential arrangement of the individual nucleotides in DNA is responsible for the distinctiveness in any given life form.  [2]   Simply put, DNA is a genetic material that is found in tiny parts of our body such as a drop of blood, saliva, semen etc. No two persons can ever have 100% similar DNA, unless they are related by blood. Even in those cases, depending on the proximity of relationship, it can vary immensely. What is DNA fingerprinting? It is a method, by which an individual can be identified on the basis of their fingerprints. It is a less powerful tool than DNA as DNA contains information that possibly reveal way more than just identity. It could also reveal close relatives, medical history among others and hence there are human right concerns, as well as issues relating to privacy. This information gathered could easily be misused if not placed under adequate supervision in the hands of trustworthy persons. Therefore, DNA databases must be treated with extreme caution balancing privacy with its potential landmark use in criminal justice.  [3]   According to the DNA Profiling Bill, 2007,  [4]  DNA data base means a data base whether in computerized or other form, containing the indices mentioned under sub section (4) of Section 33  [5]  ,  [6]  . The American Society of Human Genetics (ASHG) statement on DNA Banking and DNA Analysis defined a DNA bank as a facility that stores DNA for future analysis  [7]   The DNA Profiling bill, 2007 defines DNA Data Bank as a computerized and consolidated DNA profile storage and maintenance facility.  [8]   DNA fingerprinting/profiling is helpful in case of criminal justice where DNA of the victims and suspects are collected from the scene of crime and then is matched in the DNA database with the sample obtained from the victim. Further, the DNA collected is also stored in the DNA Database for future use which is where the problem of privacy and rights arises.  [9]   Thus DNA profiling has raised issues regarding encroachment on human rights and unrestricted creation of DNA databases or DNA data banks heaved privacy concerns. Many countries have DNA databases and India is in the process of setting up one. In this regard, the DNA Profiling Bill, 2007 is in the pipeline but is yet to be passed by Parliament due to the above-mentioned concerns. The UK has the largest forensic DNA database in the world. The UK database already holds DNA profiles (and biological samples) from four million citizens constituting about six per cent of the population. The US CODIS database has become slightly larger in terms of the number of samples but still only represents one per cent of the population.  [10]   DNA contains information that raises much broader privacy and other civil liberties concerns. There is a requirement of changes to be made to limit the development of DNA databases, safeguard privacy and human rights. But at the same time its value in criminal investigation should not be overlooked and compromised. This research paper aims to analyze pros and cons of DNA, to throw light on current scenario of DNA Banking in India, UK and USA and to harmonise the positive and negative aspects of the technology and make it responsive to the present requirement so that neither investigation or research is compromised, nor privacy and rights of people are affected. It shall however, limit its scope to discuss whether DNA Banking is actually encroaching upon Human Rights and raises Civil Liberties concerns. Also, the DNA Profiling Bill of 2007 is analysed and any repercussions on Human Rights are discussed. II. DNA DATA BANKING, HUMAN RIGHTS AND CIVIL LIBERTIES How does DNA profiling affect Human Rights? The main issue is inclusion of DNA of any innocent person in DNA Database. The DNA from suspects are taken and put into the DNA Databank. People volunteer to give their samples to help the police in investigation. The problem arises when innocent persons on suspicion but who are not convicted are also included within this database. Thus, DNA from innocent people is also stored in databases, which will then be available to police authority to be used whenever they require and in whatever manner they want. This encroaches upon privacy, human rights and civil liberties of those innocent people as DNA is biological matter that is unique to every person and hence shouldnt be stored and misused for unnecessary purposes. Giving the police access to DNA samples, however, could enable a number of other biases to creep in, including ethnic referencing, where based on DNA, it is possible to differentiate against the race which the person belongs to, w hich certain sections of society have opposed as being racial. Effect of creation of unrestricted and unlimited databases: 1) Undermines the presumption of innocence until proven guilty Everyone charged with a penal offence has the right to be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law in a public trial at which they have had all the guarantees necessary for their defence.  [11]   Everyone charged with a criminal offence shall be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law.  [12]   Although the Constitution of the United States does not cite it explicitly, presumption of innocence is widely held to follow from the 5th, 6th and 14th amendments. The United States Supreme Court in Coffin v. United States  [13]  established the presumption of innocence of persons accused of crimes. In India as well, the presumption of innocence is considered as a fundamental principle of criminal justice system. The Indian Constitution provides for the protection of the innocent under Articles 20 and 21. The right against self-incrimination is also provided for in Article 20(3)  [14]  of the Constitution of India, which means that the accused is not supposed to make any statement against his will. It is a principle of common criminal law jurisprudence that is envisaged under Indian Constitution. The principle is based on another principle of common criminal law jurisprudence that a person is presumed to be innocent and it is for the prosecution to establish his guilt.  [15]   In the UK too, it is a well established principle of criminal law that a person is presumed to be innocent unless proven guilty, and this principle was emphasized upon in the landmark judgement of Woolmington v DPP  [16]  . DNA Profiling undermines the presumption of innocence until proven guilty. The decision is accepted in a plethora of cases in India. Even after the completion of a process, DNA database retains the information and thus every time a check is run through the system, innocent peoples entries is also included. Thus, a presumption of guilt exists. As has been found in the UK, including many innocent people in the database does not improve the chance of solving crimes. Instead, there are now more false matches and errors in addition to the clogging of laboratories that have been set up for DNA testing. Such a backlog could be eased if only the focus was on the guilty rather than the innocent.  [17]   The English case of R (S Marper) v Chief Constable of South Yorkshire  [18]  , in the the Court of Appeal in 2002 and the House of Lords in 2004 challenged the retention of fingerprints and DNA samples taken from individuals who have not been convicted of an offence as violation of Article 8  [19]  and Article 14  [20]  of European Convention on Human Rights. Both the courts ruled that retention of fingerprints and DNA samples either did not have an impact on private life so as to bring Article 8 into play or, if it did, was only a modest infringement. The courts also rejected the argument that the difference between the treatment of unconvicted persons who had not been arrested and were not on the database and those who had been arrested and thus were on it did not fall within the prohibited grounds of discrimination in Article 14 of the ECHR. The claimants then approached European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg and the court in case was particularly concerned that people who had not been convicted of any offence and are entitled to the presumption of innocence would be stigmatised by being treated in the same way as convicted persons.  [21]  The Court stated that it must be borne in mind that the right of every person under the Convention to be presumed innocent includes the general rule that no suspicion regarding an [accused persons] innocence may be voiced after his acquittal.  [22]  It recognised that the retention of the applicants private data cannot be equated with the voicing of suspicions. But it stated that the perception of unconvicted persons whose biodata are on the database that they are not being treated as innocent is heightened by the fact that their data are retained indefinitely in the same way as the data of convicted persons, while the data of those who have never been suspected of an off ence are required to be destroyed.  [23]   2) Encroachment to privacy No one shall be subjected to arbitrary interference with his privacy, family, home or correspondence, nor to attacks upon his honor and reputation. Everyone has the right to the protection of the law against such interference or attacks.  [24]   In a European context, Article 8  [25]  read with Article 14  [26]  of European Convention on Human Rights assures privacy to human beings as Human Rights. In the US, the Supreme Court of the United States in Griswold v. Connecticut  [27]  has found that other guarantees have penumbras that implicitly grant a right to privacy against government intrusion. Right to Privacy is covered under Article 21  [28]  of the Indian Constitution.  [29]  It  was  held  by  the honourable  Supreme  court  in  the case  of  R. Rajagopal v. State of Tamil Nadu  [30]  that It is an established fact that every citizen has a right to safeguard the privacy of his own, his family, marriage, procreation, motherhood, child bearing and education and other matters. Similarly in the case  of Sri Banarsi Das v. Miss Teeku Dutta and Ors.  [31]  , the Honourable  Supreme  Court   held   that   submitting   to   the  DNA  test  is  violation  of  right  to privacy  under  article  21 of  the  Constitution  of  India.   The European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg in the case of S Marper observed that since the protection of personal data is of fundamental importance to a persons enjoyment of his or her right to respect for private or family life, domestic law must afford appropriate safeguards particularly where the data is undergoing automatic processing for police purposes.  [32]  Despite the advantages of a large DNA database, other Contracting States have chosen to set limits on the retention and use of such data with a view to achieving a proper balance with the competing interests of preserving respect for private life.  [33]   In the Courts judgment, the protection afforded by Article 8 of the Convention would be unacceptably weakened if the use of modern scientific techniques in the criminal-justice system were allowed at any cost and without carefully balancing the potential benefits of the extensive use of such techniques against important private-life interests.  [34]   III. POSITION IN UK Since 1984,  DNA testing is allowed with limited use with the help of doctors to obtain samples. In 1993,  The Royal Commission on Criminal Justice recommended the setting p of a DNA database. The database was proposed as a more objective form of forensic identification, with as much potential to eliminate suspects as to secure convictions. In 1994,  [35]  The Criminal Justice and Public Order Act (CJPOA) established the NDNAD, and the police could independently take samples without assistance from a doctor. The law further unreasonably stated that if a person was subsequently found guilty, their information could be stored on the database and their sample kept indefinitely; if they were not charged or were acquitted, the data and the sample had to be destroyed.  [36]   Susequently, The Criminal Evidence (Amendment) Act in 1997 allowed non-intimate samples to be taken without consent from individuals who were still in prison having been convicted for a sex, violence or burglary offence prior to the NDNAD being set up in 1995.  [37]   The Criminal Justice Act 2003 allowed DNA profiles to be recorded without consent from anyone in jail who was suspected of any offence including minor ones. In addition, these records could be kept permanently, irrespective of his conviction or not.  [38]   In April 2004, the Criminal Justice Act, 2003 came into force. The Counter-Terrorism Act 2008 extended police powers to allow DNA and fingerprints to be used in the interests of national security.  [39]   Thus, the position regarding DNA fingerprinting and retention of DNA Profile has been constantly changing but ultimately led to violation of right of privacy of person from whom the sample has been obtained because of indefinite retention. After the Marpers case, however, the European Court of Human Rights finally quashed the indiscriminate and arbitrary retention of samples and the extent of powers given to the police of England and Wales with respect to DNA profiling. This is the first step in the correction of a potential gross misuse of these powers. Further, even the ECHR, alse recommends, In relation to the taking of samples, in paragraph 4 the Committee of Ministers recommends, The taking of samples for the purpose of DNA analysis should only be carried out in circumstances determined by the domestic law; it being understood that in some States this may necessitate specific authorisation from a judicial authority. Where the domestic law admits that samples may be taken without the consent of the suspect, such samples should only be carried out if the circumstances of the case warrants such action.  [40]   Thus, in recent times, the UK and Europe in general have finally moved forward and realized the potential dangers of having an open DNA database. IV. POSITION IN USA CODIS (Combined DNA Index System) is the DNA database for USA. Internationally, more than 40 law enforcement laboratories in over 25 countries use the CODIS software for their own database initiatives.  [41]   The first appellate court validations of DNA-matching testimony in the US were seen only in 1988, in the decision by a Florida appeals court in the case of Andrews v. Florida  [42]  , where the court accepted DNA print-identificaiton evidence linking defendant to a sexual assault.  [43]   CODIS, as compared to the other software, is relatively better equipped to deal with the issue of civil liberties and privacy, since it has divided the profiles in various parts according to the type of DNA collected such as say blood, or semen etc; separate indices for missing persons, voluntary contributors etc. have also been carefully segregated so that it is easier to identify and segregate them to ensure removal in future. However, there is no express provision regarding removal if the person is found guilty in the case of CODIS.  [44]   However, in the case of NDIS, i.e. (The National DNA Index System), samples are collected only in accordance with state laws, and are to be disposed off if the persons are not guilty. However, the FBI, along with 15 states, have decided to expand DNA collection efforts in April 2009 to include those who are awaiting trial as well as detained immigrants. With this expansion the bureau estimates an additional 1.2 million samples per year by 2012. This definitely raises concerns about the inclusion of several innocent people who, in all probability, havent even committed a single crime.  [45]   In the case of US v. Kincade  [46]  , a 9th circuit Court of Appeals decision, the defendant appealed after a federal district judge sentenced him for violating the terms of his supervised release by refusing to submit a blood sample for DNA testing. The Court of Appeals held that the requirement under the relevant Act that certain federal offenders who were on parole probation or supervised release submit to compulsory DNA profiling, even in the absence of individualized suspicion that the had committed additional crimes, was resasonable and did not violate the 4th amendment.  [47]   The position relating to privacy rights is yet to be settled in the US though, as it desperately awaits a Marper-like law as was in the UK. V. POSITION IN INDIA There is no DNA Data Bank existing at this point of time in the country though DNA Profiling technology does exist and DNA Profiling is being done at Centre for DNA Fingerprinting and Diagnostics (CDFD), Hyderabad. But there is no mechanism established by law for storage of DNA Profiles. Further, no legislation pertaining to the same has been passed till date. The DNA Profiling Bill, 2007  [48]  was introduced with an objective to enhance protection of people in the society and administration of justice, analysis of DNA found at the scene of crime, of the victim or offender has been used to establish identity. It also provides for eminent persons, molecular biologists, law enforcement officers etc. to set about appropriate standards for labs, as well as the creation of the position of a DNA Databank  [49]  Manager who would be in charge of supervision, execution and maintenance of Databanks.  [50]  Further, a DNA Profiling Board comprising of eminent molecular biologists, forensic experts etc. is appointed  [51]  , and its powers and functions according to Section 13 of the Bill include mainly ensuring practices followed by the relevant bodies are in accordance with privacy statutes, in order to protect confidentiality etc. Chapter-VII (Sections 33-37) of the Bill provides for establishment and conduct of DNA Data Bank and provisions ancillary to it. Section 33 provides for establishment of DNA Data Banks both at Central and State level by their respective governments though a notification in official gazette. The National Bank is essentially comprised of the DNA data that has been given by the State Banks. As followed by the NDIS in the US, India also proposes to segregate the DNA profiling into indices, such as crime-scene index, a suspects index, an offenders index, a missing persons index, unknown deceased persons index, a volunteers index etc. to enable better identification. Here the crucial point is regarding retention of data of volunteers. Once the investigation is over there is no purpose to keep volunteers in the record, their privacy rights are being violated in that case. 33(6) of the Bill states that the Date Bank shall contain the identity of the person from whose body substance or body substances the profile was derived in case of a profile in the offenders index and the case reference number of the investigation associated with the body substance or body substances from which the profile was derived in case of all other profiles. This provides a benefit to volunteers as their identity is not retained only the offenders identity is retained. Section 34 provides for Matching of profiles where DNA samples are matched with the DNA profiles in the Data Bank. Once this is done, it is given to the relevant Courts or tribunals that then decides on the basis of these evidence. In order to interlink our Database with foreign databases to enable better criminal identification, Section 35 provides for exchanging information regarding DNA profiles with other international Governments or Organisations, but only with prior approval from the Government. Often, the DNA of even victims is required in the process of finding the perpetrator of the crime. This could lead to a situation where it could be grossly misused if not protected. In order to protect the confidentiality of victims, Section 36 restricts the access to information with regards to victims of offences; as well as persons who have ceased to be suspects. However, information relating to convicts is kept indefinitely unless he has been acquitted. Section 37 further gives effect to rights of persons whose conviction has been set aside by providing for expunging of their records from the data bank. As the bill has not been passed yet, not much can be concluded with regard to encroachment of Human Rights of people whose DNA will become a part of DNA Databank. Most important is proper implementation of the Act, if the bill is passed. Mainly, it is important to take into consideration, the debate that the Marper case has brought forth in order to harmonise Human Rights with criminal investigation. VI. CONCLUSION ROAD TO THE DNA PROFILING BILL, 2007 This is an era of technology and DNA profiling is quickly advancing. Every coin has two sides, similarly technology has its pros and cons. There is a scope of error, encroachment upon the privacy etc., but the benefits of DNA profiling to criminal investigation system cannot be overlooked. However, society must be warned of the repercussions of a technology. At the same time there is a need for legislatures to see that the negative impact of it can be either avoided or done away with so as to not hamper Human Rights and Civil Liberties of the people at large. Also it should be taken into consideration that the benefits of it are enjoyed to the fullest. A few suggestions that the author places forward are as follows : Databases of those individual who are found innocent shall be eliminated and shall not be retained at all. Importance needs to be placed to the concept of informed consent before taking the DNA of an innocent person (note that innocent here includes suspects, a person is guilty only on conviction). Law enforcement agencies should make sure that taking DNA without consent, or through trickery or fraud will be a punishable offence under the IPC. Data Banks that permanently hold DNA data should be used sparingly only to include convicts who have been convicted of serious offenders. Further, any information that could lead to any bias against them, or any other member of their family is to be kept extremely confidential or deleted. The DNA Profiling Bill, 2007 is well drafted and there are provisions regarding deletion and retention of DNA Databases. But it should be kept in mind that volunteers shall be adequately protected for which not much is expressed in the legislation. Any legislation must take into account the pros and cons and indulge in an informative debate before deciding upon its feasibility in a country like India. While its benefits in the criminal justice system cannot be overlooked, particularly in cases of Serial offenders, and in reducing the costs of identifying future offenders; the very basic core of human rights and legal principles relating to innocence cannot be ignored. It is the authors sincere hope that the Indian legislation, if passed shall take into consideration these matters of grave importance, before implementing at this groundbreaking legislation that could change the criminal justice system forever, for the better.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Lab Report Of The Cells :: essays research papers

Introduction: The Cell, the fundamental structural unit of all living organisms. Some cells are complete organisms, such as the unicellular bacteria and protozoa, others, such as nerve, liver, and muscle cells, are specialized components of multicellular organisms. In another words, without cells we wouldn’t be able to live or function correctly. There are Animal Cells and Plant Cells. In Biology class the other day we studied the Animal Cell. We were split into groups of our own and we each picked a different animal cell slide to observe. My group chose the slide,'; Smeared Frog Blood ';.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Animal Cell is a little bit different than the Plant Cell for only a couple of reasons. One is how the Plant Cell has a cell wall and the Animal Cell doesn’t. The cell wall protects and gives structure to the cell. Then there is the Nucleus, which serves as a control center for the cell. Inside the Nucleus there are one or more Nucleoli. They are dense, granular bodies that disappear at the beginning of cell division and reappear at the end. Then you have the Cytoplasm. This is the watery material lying within the cell between the cell membrane and the nucleus. The Cytoplasm also contains organelles, which have specific functions in the cell metabolism. Then there are the Golgi Bodies, which serve as processing, packaging, and storage for the cell. These organelles package and ship things out. Another parts of the cell, a very important one in fact, are the Lysosomes. These organelles are used to break things down and contain enzymes. Method: First we placed the slide under the simple microscope and observed it at ten times magnification level. We each took turns looking. We then copied them as drawings into our Cornell notebooks. After that we changed the magnification to fifty times and observed the slide. We each took turns looking. We then copied what we saw into our Cornell notebooks. After that we changed the magnification level to sixty times and we each took turns looking at the slide. We then copied what we saw into our Cornell notebooks and sat down together. When we were all done drawing we spoke about what we seen and gave each other ideas on how to write our Lab Reports. Conclusion: In conclusion I have noticed that without cells we wouldn’t be able to function or neither without cell theory because we would not know how to treat our body or our cells.

T.S. Eliots The Wasteland Essay -- Eliot Wasteland Survival Essays

T.S. Eliot's The Wasteland Cooperation is the key to human survival, and over time humans have been known to group together to survive. This strategy has allowed humans to develop massive cities and countries of immense power. Without the natural instinct to cling to one another, humans would not be as advanced as they are today, and may not have even made it out of the caves. Many authors display our natural instinct to cooperate in their works, allowing the characters to become more real to the readers. T.S Eliot’s The Wasteland displays our natural instinct to cooperate with each other as a key to our survival. As we struggle to survive when our world begins to fall apart, our basic instinct to cooperate with each other kicks in and we cling to each other for comfort. This concept is brought up in Chinua Achebe’s novel Things Fall Apart. And again W.B. Yeats’s says in one of his poems, "Things fall apart; the center cannot hold." In either case the concept of clinging to one another and cooperating when things fall apart is displayed as a basic instinct that is the key to our success as humans. The Wasteland describes how humans cling together as the world falls apart by depicting a world from a much different point of view then we are used to. Instead of seeing the world in a positive view, Eliot depicts the world in despair. As this world falls apart, humans cling together and cooperate to get through the bad times. Lines 139-172 depict a scene in a pub that illustrates how we cling to one another even though we may not be supportive of each other. In this scene, Albert tells his wife how he thinks she is ugly and can’t fulfill what he desires of her. As he goes on, she makes excuses about why she is ugly and can’t... ...Org: Public Affairs on the Web. 13 Dec. 2000: 24 Jan. 2001. Brooks, David. Bobos in Paradise : The New Upper Class and How They Got There. New York: Simon, 2000. Eliot, T.S. The Waste Land, Prufrock and Other Poems. New York: Dover, 1998. Gore, Albert Jr., Concession Speech. C-Span.Org: Public Affairs on the Web. 13 Dec. 2000: 24 Jan. 2001. Jin, Ha. Waiting. New York: Vintage, 2000. Maddy, Yulisa Amadu. No Past No Present No Future. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann- Reed, 1996. Tanksley, Charlie. Speech on the Proposed New Flag. 30 Jan. 2001. <>. Taylor, Mark. Remarks on the New Flag. 30 Jan. 2001.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Communicating Information in Radioheads Music Albums :: Internet Net World Wide Web Media

Radiohead It is an important feature of the ideological system to impose on people the feeling that they really are incompetent to deal with complex and important issues: they'd better leave it to the captain. One device is to develop a star system, an array of figures who are often media creations or creations of the academic propaganda establishment, whose deep insights we are supposed to admire and to whom we must happily and confidently assign the right to control our lives and to control international affairs..." --Noam Chomsky, The Chomsky Reader Pasted on the inside of a Radiohead EP, Chomsky's quote serves as a reminder to the point these musicians are attempting to make: the essence of meaning is largely lost when reality is based on modern modes of information. In other words, the information one takes in is delivered in such an impersonal way, via multi-media, that the self is scattered in the saturation of these various mediums in an attempt to order information, or life. The word impersonal is used in the sense that the delivery has little to do with the meaning. Radiohead's latest release, "OK Computer," is about just that. "Everything spinning out of control," says front man Thom Yorke of Radiohead's latest album. Control is lost in the oversaturation of information, in which the complexity of information is so widespread that in a post-modern society meaning no longer adds up to a total, but instead schizophrenic patches with only relation to itself and not to anything else. It is in this where the fear of depthless ness in our society as a whole is felt. Take the advertising used by MTV for example. It is merely a barrage of extremely quick cuts, in which one can barely make out what each image is. First it may be an eyeball, then a car, them some white space, then a mathematical graph, then a plant, etc. After this the network's name is seen with the airdate of its newest show. Nothing had any relation to the next, or to the network or show, save only the fact that they were pasted next to one another. Post-modern critiquers such as Frederic Jameson would argue that this is a staple of post-modern depthlessness and schizophrenia found in today's society. The fact is, this advertising by MTV is seen as exciting and cutting edge due to the realization that today's society is so numbed down by media that the meaning isn't needed in such an advertisement because the medium sends the message of being "cool. Communicating Information in Radiohead's Music Albums :: Internet Net World Wide Web Media Radiohead It is an important feature of the ideological system to impose on people the feeling that they really are incompetent to deal with complex and important issues: they'd better leave it to the captain. One device is to develop a star system, an array of figures who are often media creations or creations of the academic propaganda establishment, whose deep insights we are supposed to admire and to whom we must happily and confidently assign the right to control our lives and to control international affairs..." --Noam Chomsky, The Chomsky Reader Pasted on the inside of a Radiohead EP, Chomsky's quote serves as a reminder to the point these musicians are attempting to make: the essence of meaning is largely lost when reality is based on modern modes of information. In other words, the information one takes in is delivered in such an impersonal way, via multi-media, that the self is scattered in the saturation of these various mediums in an attempt to order information, or life. The word impersonal is used in the sense that the delivery has little to do with the meaning. Radiohead's latest release, "OK Computer," is about just that. "Everything spinning out of control," says front man Thom Yorke of Radiohead's latest album. Control is lost in the oversaturation of information, in which the complexity of information is so widespread that in a post-modern society meaning no longer adds up to a total, but instead schizophrenic patches with only relation to itself and not to anything else. It is in this where the fear of depthless ness in our society as a whole is felt. Take the advertising used by MTV for example. It is merely a barrage of extremely quick cuts, in which one can barely make out what each image is. First it may be an eyeball, then a car, them some white space, then a mathematical graph, then a plant, etc. After this the network's name is seen with the airdate of its newest show. Nothing had any relation to the next, or to the network or show, save only the fact that they were pasted next to one another. Post-modern critiquers such as Frederic Jameson would argue that this is a staple of post-modern depthlessness and schizophrenia found in today's society. The fact is, this advertising by MTV is seen as exciting and cutting edge due to the realization that today's society is so numbed down by media that the meaning isn't needed in such an advertisement because the medium sends the message of being "cool.